CRPD Please Pave the Dog Park Driveway Today

Why can't the city management work with the parks management to pave the dog park driveway?

This is not some politically correct blog.

So whoever controls this, please figure out a way to make it happen in 2015 not 2025 as mentioned below.

Also please build a real restroom at the dog park, we do not like the Port-a-Potty.

I met and helped Ed Jones a few years ago and somehow he got the city to pave a few spots.  I thanked Ed and I also told him this is still ridiculous as all the dog park people are really pissed off about this including me.  I just looked at the parks web page:

I still see Ed Jones on this web page.

Then I see the CRPD build these fantastic new parks, and Thousands Oaks has more and better parks then any where in the USA I have seen.  So again why can't someone pave the dog park driveway?

3-23-15 Update:

The parks district replied to Robin, and said maybe they will fix the dog park up in ten years.